Application for a Fresh Personal Protection Order with or without additional orders


This application form will take approximately 25 minutes to complete.

The APPLICANT is a person who meets all the following requirements:

  • Is at least 18 years old
  • Does not lack mental capacity as defined under the Mental Capacity Act 2008

The RESPONDENT is the person against whom the Personal Protection order (PPO) is to be issued.

The following persons may make an application as Applicant:

  • Any person who is at least 18 years old applying for himself/herself
  • Family member (as defined under Women's Charter), Guardian or Carer on behalf of a person to be protected below 18 years.
  • Litigation Representative for a person to be protected below 18 years who is married or previously married, in addition to the above.
  • Family member, Donee, Deputy or Carer on behalf of a person to be protected lacking mental capacity.
  • Protector on behalf of any person to be protected

Please have softcopies of the following documents where available:

  • Brief facts of the latest incident/s of violence
  • Police reports which you are relying on (non-mandatory)
  • Medical reports which you are relying on (non-mandatory)
  • Medical report on Respondent's mental condition if you are applying for a Mental Treatment Order (non-mandatory)
  • Supporting Documents for application made on behalf of the person/s to be protected
  • Court order for child-related orders such as custody,care or access, if your application involves children.
  • Emergency Order issued by Protector

Please note that if you already have a PPO issued previously you need not apply for a fresh one if you wish to apply for additional orders.You may do so using the PPO previously issued against the same Respondent.

Please also note that you cannot rely on any incident which had been part of an earlier application which was either withdrawn or dismissed. Such incident may be rejected by the Court.

For your convenience, you are encouraged to book an appointment and attend at any of the authorised agencies located near your area. Please refer to the following link for the applications supported by these agencies.

For attendance at Family Justice Courts (FJC), online filing with an appointment helps to reduce your waiting time.

Please ensure that you have a valid email address for updates to be sent.